The Junior High School Championship is open to ALL schools in this province. The benefit of affiliating your school with NLAA is that affiliated schools are eligible for team awards, and the $1 Day-Permit Fee per student is waived.
You can click here for information on the NLAA School Affiliation program for the school year 2023/2024.
CODES | for NLAA Affiliated Schools - School Year 2023/2024 |
ACRE | Acreman Elementary School (Green's Harbour) |
AACA | Admiral's Academy (Conception Bay South) |
ANCH | Anchor Academy (St. John's) |
BSC | Baltimore School (Ferryland) |
BCE | Beachy Cove Elementary School (Portugal Cove-St. Philip's) |
CARA | Carbonear Academy (Carbonear) |
DMA | Dunne Memorial Academy (St. Mary's) |
GC | Gander Collegiate (Gander) |
GONZ | Gonzaga High School (St. John's) |
HFEL | Holy Family Elementary (Chapel Arm) (Chapel Arm) |
HFAM | Holy Family School (Paradise) |
LIS | Lakecrest Independent School (St. John's) |
LARK | Larkhall Academy (St. John's) |
MDJH | Macdonald Drive Junior High School (St. John's) |
MORA | Morris Academy (Mount Pearl) |
MPIN | Mount Pearl Intermediate School (Mount Pearl) |
OPEP | Octagon Pond Elementary School (Paradise) |
SAAC | St. Anne's Academy (Dunville) |
SABI | St. Augustine's Elementary School (Bell Island) |
SPIG | St. Paul's Intermediate School (Gander) |
STAS | St. Thomas Aquinas School (Port au Port) |
STVH | Stephenville High School (Stephenville) |
STVM | Stephenville Middle School (Stephenville) |
STPR | Stephenville Primary School (Stephenville) |
WVH | Waterford Valley High School (St. John's) |